Double Bob Royal (Double Ten In)

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Amongst the papers of WDC is a loose sheet showing two compositions of peals of Double Bob Royal. Examination shows that both compositions (pictured below) are false.

Simon Humphrey was asked to produce a compositon that he believed WDC may have intended and the result was as follows together with his notes:

"Regarding the composition, I thought I would keep to Croft's general plan of an irregular but easy 4-part: Part A - a short block (5 courses) to get 6 into 3rds place Part B - an 11-course block with 6 in 5ths place Part C - a short block (1 course) to move 6 into 2nds place Part D - an 11-course block with 6 in 6ths place.

Unfortunately his part D (M,W,3H; W,2H; W,3H; W,3H) is inherently false, whatever coursing order you start with.  So, after a fair bit of investigation, I changed it to (M,W,3H; W,3H; W,2H; W,3H). His Part B is true, so I decided to use it rather than invent another one. The next step was to find appropriate callings for parts A and C to link everything together. The only solutions I could find had parts A and C of 2 courses and 4 courses rather than 5 and 1 - a bit different from Croft's arrangement, but with the advantage of being true!

It has almost exactly the same music as Croft's, including (unfortunately) the omission of the Middle lead of the plain course which contains reverse rounds.  SH 16/04/2010"

5040 Double Bob Royal
Composed S. Humphrey, after W.D. Crofts.
M W H 23456
----- -----
-   - 64352
  -   56342
----- -----
  - 3 45362
-   2 52364
-   3 32465
-   3 42563
----- -----
- 2 - 32654
  -   53624
-     63425
----- -----
- - 3 24536
  - 3 32546
  - 2 35426
  - 3 23456
----- -----

Please note that both of the peals shown below are false

Of the two compositions shown the left hand one is considered to be the more musical.
Note all the calls are m (middle), w (wrong), or r (right = home)

Double Ten In