The Squire Fortrey (King's Norton/Norton by Galby) offered the Leicester Scholars a prize if they could complete a long peal which they did in 1777, ringing 10,080 of Grandsire Caters. The following year on 3rd March the Sherwood Youths rang a 10,260 of Grandsire Caters at Nottingham St Mary (Peal 20) and the Squire Fortrey generously gave both companies a set of "cup" handbells. The bells given to the Sherwood Youths now hang in the ringing chamber at Nottingham St Mary's. (see Croft's Handbells)

It was also a notable feat for the 9th to be rung single-handed for such a length of time, a testament to the prowess of WD Crofts. The Leicester ringers scored their record breaking 10,080 changes after ringing nearly 5000 changes on the morning (as cited on their peal board)